
  1. M

    medical specialist

    A doctor who has completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific area of medicine.


    A national, government-funded scheme that subsidises the cost of personal medical services for all Australians and aims to help them afford medical care.

    Medicare-subsidised services

    Refer to services listed in the MBS that resulted in a payment of Medicare benefit.

    Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)

    The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is the listing of the Medicare services subsidised by the Australian Government. The schedule is part of the wider Medicare Benefits Scheme (Medicare).

  2. O

    out-of-pocket costs

    The total costs incurred by individuals for health care services over and above any refunds from Medicare.

  3. S

    specialist attendance

    A specialist attendance usually requires a referral from a primary health care practitioner. A specialist attendance is a referred patient-doctor encounter, such as a visit, consultation and attendance (including a video conference) with a medical practitioner who has been recognised as a specialist or consultant physician.

  4. T

    telehealth attendance

    Health services delivered by a health professional over the phone, by video conferencing, or through other communication technologies.