People who commit or allegedly commit a crime when aged 10–17 may be dealt with under the youth justice system. Each state and territory in Australia has its own youth justice legislation, policies and practices but the general processes by which young people are charged, and the types of legal orders available to the courts, are similar.

Some people aged 18 and over may also be supervised in the youth justice system. Depending on the jurisdiction, this may be because they were apprehended for a crime that was (allegedly) committed when they were 17 or younger, their existing supervision continues once they turn 18 (instead of being transferred to the adult correctional system), or a court determines that they should be detained in a youth justice facility due to their vulnerability or immaturity.

Young people may be supervised when they are unsentenced – that is, when they are awaiting the outcome of their court matter or sentencing – or they may be sentenced to supervision after being proven guilty in court. Both unsentenced and sentenced supervision can take place in the community or in a detention facility (see glossary).

Data on this page are taken from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's (AIHW) Youth Justice National Minimum Data Set and includes information about young people in Australia who were under youth justice supervision during 2022–23 and recent trends (AIHW 2024). Numbers include young people of all ages (including those aged 18 and over) unless otherwise specified. Population rates are only calculated for people aged 10–17.

How many people are under youth justice supervision?

On an average day in 2022–23, 4,542 people aged 10 and over were under youth justice supervision in Australia. Among the population aged 10–17, this was a rate of 13 per 10,000 people. A total of 9,157 young people were supervised by youth justice at some time during the year (from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023).

Just over 4 in 5 (82%) young people under supervision on an average day in 2022–23 were supervised in the community, and 18% were in detention.

Most (82%) young people under community-based supervision on an average day were serving a sentence, while almost 4 in 5 (80%) of those in detention were unsentenced.

Variation in rates of supervision

On an average day in 2022–23, for young people aged 10–17:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people were about 23 times as likely as non-Indigenous Australians to be under supervision, about 22 times as likely to be under community-based supervision, and about 28 times as likely to be in detention (see Community safety for First Nations people).
  • Males were almost 4 times as likely as females to be under supervision.
  • Young people from Very remote areas were about 11 times as likely as those from Major cities to be under supervision.
  • Young people from the lowest socioeconomic areas were about 7 times as likely as those from the highest socioeconomic areas to be under supervision.

Among the states and territories, rates of supervision for young people aged 10–17 years ranged from 4.7 per 10,000 people on an average day in Victoria to 79 per 10,000 in the Northern Territory (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Rate of young people aged 10–17 under supervision on an average day, by supervision type, states and territories, 2021–22

This vertical bar chart shows that the rate of supervision among people aged 10–17 varied among the states and territories, ranging from 4.7 per 10,000 in Victoria to 79 per 10,000 in the Northern Territory.

Source: AIHW 2024

Time under supervision

Individual periods of supervision completed during 2022–23 lasted for a median of 90 days (about 13 weeks). Completed periods of community-based supervision were much longer than completed periods of detention, with a median duration of 85 days (about 12 weeks) compared with 6 days. The median duration of completed periods of sentenced detention was longer than unsentenced detention, with a duration of 57 days (nearly 8 weeks) compared with 5 days.

When the total time spent under supervision during 2022–23 is considered (including multiple periods and those not yet completed), young people supervised during the year spent an average of 181 days or about 6 months under supervision.

Over the 5 years from 2018–19 to 2022–23, the number of young people aged 10 and over who were under supervision on an average day fell by 20% (5,693 to 4,542). The rate for people aged 10–17 dropped from 18 to 13 per 10,000 (Figure 2).

In community-based supervision, the number of young people on an average day fell by 22% (4,770 to 3,743) over the 5-year period. The rate dropped from 15 to 11 per 10,000 for those aged 10–17.

In detention, the number of young people on an average day fell by 13% (952 to 828). The rate fell from 3.2 to 2.7 per 10,000 for those aged 10–17 between 2018–19 and 2022–23. In 2022–23, the number of young people in detention remained stable (from 827 in 2021–22 to 828) as did the rate (from 2.8 in 2021–22 to 2.7 per 10,000).

Figure 2: Rate of young people aged 10–17 under supervision on an average day, by supervision type, 2017–18 to 2021–22

This line graph shows that the rate of community-based supervision remained much higher than detention over the 5 years to 2022–23.

Source: AIHW 2023

Interaction with other services

Many vulnerable young people under youth justice supervision are also involved with other services. Data are available on young people’s involvement with:

  • youth justice and alcohol and other drug treatment services
  • youth justice and child protection.

Alcohol and other drug treatment

People aged 10–17 under youth justice supervision at any time between June 2012 and July 2016 were 30 times as likely as the general population to have received alcohol and other drug treatment services during that period (33% compared with just over 1%) (AIHW 2018).

Child protection

More than half of young people (53%) aged 10 and over under youth justice supervision during 2020–21 had received a child protection service in the 5 years from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2021 (AIHW 2022).

Impact of COVID-19 on youth justice data

In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, restrictions were put in place across Australia throughout 2020 and 2021, including non-essential service shutdowns and social distancing. During 2022 and 2023, small restrictions remained in place in a variety of settings for all jurisdictions.

While youth justice centres and other places of custody, courts or tribunals were considered essential services (Prime Minister of Australia 2020), COVID-19 still had a substantial impact on the operations of these services and restrictions may have continued beyond the easing of restrictions in the general community. The impact may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction (Judicial College of Victoria 2020).

  • In New South Wales, for example, Children’s Court hearings were vacated from 24 March to 1 May 2020 with few exceptions. This led to a decrease in the number of court finalisations between March and June 2020, which resulted in a reduction of young people in sentenced detention.
  • During this period, there was also a decline in unsentenced detention as more young people were discharged to bail and fewer young people had their bail revoked when breaching bail conditions (Chan 2021).

This page includes data from March 2020 to June 2022, which coincides with the presence of COVID-19 in Australia. However, the direct impact of COVID-19 and related social restrictions on the number of young people in youth justice supervision is difficult to determine due to a range of factors including:

  • variability of the data
  • variations in state-based legislation, policy and practice
  • small numbers of young people under supervision.

More research is required to better understand the impact of COVID-19 and related social restrictions on youth justice supervision across Australia.

Where do I go for more information?

For more information on youth justice, see: