
Burden of disease measures the gap between a population’s actual health and the ‘ideal’, where everyone lives in full health to an ideal age. It combines health loss from living with illness and injury (non-fatal burden, or YLD) and dying prematurely (fatal burden, or YLL) to estimate total health loss (total burden, or DALY).

1 DALY is equivalent to 1 year of healthy life lost.

The Australian Burden of Disease Study 2018, published in 2021, provides the most recent Australian-specific estimates of disease burden. Estimates are available by age and sex for 17 disease groups, 219 diseases and injuries and for selected population groups (state/territory, remoteness areas, and socioeconomic group). In addition, changes between the years 2003, 2011, 2015 and 2018 can be explored, including key drivers of change over time in overall disease burden and for the top 50 diseases and injuries. In this release there is a *NEW* visualisation which allows users to generate a summary of total burden (DALY) in 2018 for a specific disease or injury.

Estimates for 2015, 2011 and 2003 from the ABDS 2018 replace the estimates for these years in the ABDS 2015. Estimates in the previous studies differ due to updates in disease-specific methodology. Note that trend data for sub-national estimates start at 2011.

The interactive data visualisations complement the ABDS 2018 PDF reports and summary documents by enabling users to explore the data in more detail and filter/customise the data and focus the figures to meet their information needs.

Data visualisations displaying estimates of disease burden due to various risk factors are available in the interactive web report: Interactive data on risk factor burden.

The AIHW aims to meet the Australian Government’s web accessibility requirements. If any of the interactive burden of disease pages are inaccessible to you, or you are experiencing problems accessing content for any reason, please contact us at [email protected].

What is included in this data visualisation tool?

This data visualisation tool includes estimates of total burden (DALY), non-fatal burden (YLD), fatal burden (YLL) and deaths for:

  • Australia for 2003, 2011, 2015 and 2018
  • States and territories for 2011, 2015 and 2018
  • Remoteness area and socioeconomic group for 2011, 2015 and 2018
  • Comparisons between years
  • Disease/injury-specific summary for total burden (DALY) in 2018 *NEW*
  • Information about the quality of data and methods used to generate estimates
  • Frequently asked questions on methods, data sources and definitions.


Navigating the dashboards

data dashboard toolbar

The toolbar at the bottom of the data dashboards enables users to interact with the data in different ways:

Undo = Undo the filter

Redo = Redo the filter

Revert = Clears all filters and reverts visualisation to defaults

Refresh = Refreshes the data

Pause = Pauses the data (filters do not work if this button is selected)

Share = Generates a link that can be shared (note that filters will not be applied when link is shared)

Download = Allows a downloadable file as either an image (PNG), PDF or PowerPoint file. This is a useful way to save snapshots of the data to include in a document or presentation.

Full screen = Displays the dashboard in full screen mode (press Esc to return to original view)