
This report was authored by Anne-Marie Waters and Wendy Ho of the Burden of Disease and Mortality Unit of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), under the guidance of Michelle Gourley. Special thanks are extended to other members of the Burden of Disease and Mortality Unit, including Ruihua Guo who prepared the Tableau data visualisations and the Technical notes; Nick Mann and Vergil Dolar who provided advice on methods; and Paula Laws who assisted in the finalisation of the report.

Funding for the report was provided by the AIHW’s Suicide & Self-harm Monitoring Unit.

The authors would like to acknowledge Richard Juckes, the head of the AIHW’s Health Group and Matthew James, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the AIHW for reviewing and making valuable additions to the report.

Subject-matter expert review of relevant sections of this report was also provided by the Suicide & Self-harm Monitoring Unit, the AIHW’s Hospitals Data Unit, and the AIHW Burden of Disease Jurisdictional Working Group.