The Emergency department care 2017–18: Australian hospital statistics web report presents information on care provided in public hospital emergency departments (EDs) between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018. It includes information on overall activity, nationally agreed performance indicators on waiting times for care, time spent in the ED, and other waiting times statistics. It also includes comparative information for the previous 4 reporting periods.

A PDF version of this report was first published on 6 December 2018. Additional material was added on 1 March 2019:

  • web report
  • excel data tables
  • interactive data visualisations.
  • Cat. no: HSE 223
Findings from this report:
  • 8 million patients presented to Australian public hospital emergency departments

  • On average, 22,000 patients presented to an ED every day

  • 25% of emergency department presentations had a diagnosis related to injury and poisoning

  • 71% of presentations were completed within 4 hours