Trichiasis screening coverage

Measure 2.5.2: The estimated number, and proportion, of Indigenous adults screened for trichiasis.

Screening for trichiasis in at risk communities is undertaken opportunistically, such as during adult health checks.

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  • In 2017, 7,215 Indigenous Australians aged 15–39 (17%) and 8,270 Indigenous adults aged 40 and over (24%) were screened for trichiasis in at-risk communities.
  • In the jurisdictions that undertook screening (Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia), the proportion of Indigenous adults aged 40 and over in at-risk communities who were screened for trichiasis rose from 1,036 (8%) in 2010 to 8,270 (24%) in 2017. Screening coverage peaked at 41% (5,151 people) in 2014.
  • In 2017, the proportion of Indigenous adults aged 40 and over screened for trichiasis was highest in the Northern Territory (5,600 adults, a rate of 48%) and lowest in Western Australia (1,901 adults, a rate of 9%).