Table of contents

  • Preliminary material (193K PDF)
    • Half title and verso pages
    • Title and verso pages
    • Foreword
    • Contents
    • Lists of tables and figures
    • Acknowledgments
    • Summary (separate 133K PDF)
  • Sections 1-3 (204K PDF)
    1. Introduction
      1. Aims
    2. Methods
      1. Sampling methods
      2. Recruitment methods
      3. Data elements
      4. The BEACH relational database
      5. Statistical methods
      6. Classification of data
      7. Quality assurance
      8. Validity and reliability
    3. The general practitioners
      1. Results of recruitment
      2. The participating GPs
      3. Computer use by participating GPs
      4. Comparison of participating and non-participating GPs
      5. Discussion
      6. Trends in characteristics of the GPs, 1998-2003
  • Sections 4-6 (227K PDF)
    1. Representativeness
      1. Comparison of BEACH GPs with GP population
      2. Sample weights
      3. Comparison of BEACH consultations with all GP consultations in Australia
      4. The weighted data set
    2. The encounters
      1. Overview of the data set
      2. Encounter type
      3. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
    3. The patients
      1. Patient characteristics
      2. Patient reasons for encounter
      3. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
  • Sections 7-9 (256K PDF)
    1. Problems managed
      1. Number of problems managed at encounter
      2. Nature of morbidity
      3. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
    2. Overview of management
      1. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
    3. Medications
      1. Source of medications
      2. Prescribed medications
      3. Medications advised for over-the-counter purchase
      4. Medications supplied by GPs
      5. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
  • Sections 10-12 (218K PDF)
    1. Non-pharmacological management
      1. Clinical treatments
      2. Procedural treatments
      3. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
    2. Referrals and admissions
      1. Number of referrals and admissions
      2. Most frequent referrals
      3. Problems that were referred
      4. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
    3. Investigations
      1. Pathology ordering
      2. Imaging ordering
      3. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
  • Sections 13-15 (230K PDF)
    1. Changes over time for problem, medication and treatment rates
      1. Method
      2. Changes in annual management rates of problems between 1998-99 and 2002-03
      3. Changes in medication rates between 1998-99 and 2002-03
      4. Changes in non-pharmacological treatments between 1998-99 and 2002-03
    2. Selected topics -- changes over time
      1. Method
      2. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and the management of arthritis and other musculoskeletal problems
      3. Antibiotics and the management of acute upper respiratory tract infection
    3. Patient risk factors
      1. Background
      2. Methods
      3. Body mass index
      4. Smoking
      5. Alcohol consumption
      6. Risk factor profile of adult patients
      7. Changes from 1998-99 to 2002-03
  • Sections 16-18 (286K PDF)
    1. Encounters with Indigenous Australians
      1. Number of encounters
      2. The GPs
      3. Patient characteristics
      4. Characteristics of the encounters
      5. Content of encounters
      6. Patient reasons for encounter
      7. Morbidity managed
      8. Patient risk factors
      9. Discussion
      10. Conclusion
    2. Discussion
      1. The advantages of BEACH
      2. Changes over time
      3. Methodological issues
      4. Comparing BEACH data with those from other sources
    3. Conclusion
      1. Current status of BEACH
      2. Access to BEACH data
  • End matter (reference list, glossary and abbreviations) (133K PDF)
    • Reference list
    • Glossary
    • Abbreviations
  • End matter (appendixes)