Table of contents

  • Preliminary material 
    • Half title page and verso
    • Title page and verso
    • Foreword
    • Contents
    • List of tables
    • List of figures
    • Summary
    • Acknowledgments
  • Sections
    1. Introduction 
      1. Aims
    2. Methods 
      1. The BEACH program
      2. Statistical methods
      3. The study of sex-specific encounters
    3. The general practitioners 
      1. Results of recruitment
      2. GP characteristics
      3. Comparison between participating and non-participating GP's
    4. The encounters 
      1. Distribution of services by patient sex
      2. Summary of morbidity and management by patient sex
    5. The patients
      1. Patient characteristics by patient sex
      2. Proportion of Australian population attending GP's.
      3. Patient reasons for encounter by patient sex
    6. Problems managed 
      1. Number of problems managed at encounter by patient sex
      2. Problems managed by ICPC-2 chapter and patient sex
      3. Most frequent problems managed by patient sex
      4. Multiple logistic regression analyses
    7. Medications 
      1. Rates of medications prescribed (in groups and subgroups) by patient sex
      2. Most frequently prescribed generic medications by patient sex
    8. Other (non-pharmacological) treatments 
      1. Clinical treatments by patient sex
      2. Procedural treatments by patient sex
    9. Referrals to specialists and allied health professionals
    10. Investigations 
      1. Pathology ordering by patient sex
      2. Imaging orders by patient sex
    11. Morbidity managed in specific male age groups
      1. Male patients aged 15-24 years
      2. Male patients aged 25-34 years
      3. Male patients aged 35-44 years
      4. Male patients aged 45-54 years
      5. Male patients aged 55-64 years
      6. Male patients aged 65-74 years
      7. Male patients aged 75+ years
      8. Overview of problems managed across age groups
    12. Patient wellbeing and risk factors 
      1. Patient-assessed wellbeing by patient sex
      2. Patient body mass by patient sex
      3. Patient smoking status by patient sex
      4. Patient-reported alcohol consumption by patient sex
    13. Work-related problems managed at male encounters
      1. Characteristics of male patients with work-related problems managed
      2. Most common work-related problems managed for male patients
    14. Discussion 
      1. Methodological issues
    15. Conclusion 
  • End matter
    • Reference list
    • Glossary
    • Abbreviations
    • Appendixes
      1. Example of a recording form
      2. GP characteristics questionnaire
      3. Reasons for encounter and problems managed - code groups from ICPC-2 and ICPC-2 PLUS
      4. Clinical treatment - code groups from ICPC-2 PLUS
      5. Procedural treatment code groups from ICPC-2 PLUS