Admitted patient safety and quality

The quality of care provided to patients admitted to hospitals can be measured in several ways. One way is to use data from hospitals to measure rates of:

  • Staphylococcus aureus (‘golden staph’) bloodstream infections (SABSI)
  • Hand hygiene compliance
  • Hospital-acquired complications and adverse events
  • Potentially preventable hospitalisations (PPHs).

Another way is to survey people about their experiences as hospital patients. Information gathered through hospital data and patient surveys does not cover all aspects of hospital safety and quality. Certain aspects of safety and quality—continuity of care and responsiveness of hospital services—are difficult to measure and are not included here.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) lists 16 hospital-acquired complications for which clinical risk mitigation strategies may reduce the risk of occurrence. These hospital-acquired complications include pressure injuries, healthcare-associated infections, delirium, malnutrition, and neonatal birth trauma.

In 2022–23:

  • one or more hospital-acquired complications were reported for 150,000 hospitalisations from a potential 12.1 million hospitalisations
  • the rate of hospital-acquired complications was 2.0 per 100 hospitalisations for public hospitals and 0.8 per 100 hospitalisations for private hospitals
  • the most common hospital-acquired complications was Healthcare associated infection (37%), followed by Delirium (13%), Cardiac complications (12%) and Respiratory complications (10%)
  • the 20 most common hospital-acquired complications accounted for 89% of all complications.

Changes over time

The rate of hospital-acquired complications in 2022–23 is lower than the rate seen in 2018–19 for both public and private hospitals:

  • public hospitals had 2.2 hospital-acquired complications per 100 hospitalisations in 2018–19 compared with 2.0 per 100 hospitalisations in 2022–23
  • private hospitals had 1.1 hospital-acquired complications per 100 hospitalisations in 2018–19 compared with 0.8 per 100 hospitalisations in 2022–23.

Average length of stay for hospitalisations with at least one hospital acquired complication

In 2022–23, the average length of stay (ALOS) for overnight hospitalisations with at least one hospital-acquired complication was 21.7 days in public hospitals and 17.1 days in private hospitals, longer than the ALOS without a hospital-acquired complication reported (5.1 days and 4.7 days, respectively).

Patients who stay longer in hospital often have more severe disease, which may further increase the risk of acquiring a complication compared to a patient with less severe disease staying for the same length of time. Furthermore, the occurrence of a hospital-acquired complication may extend the hospital stay.