Our vision for reconciliation

The AIHW vision is to provide strong evidence that drives better decisions to improve the health and welfare outcomes for all Australians.

We are committed to reconciliation with First Nations people and have a crucial role to play in providing better data, information and evidence that can support the 2020 National Agreement on Closing the Gap for First Nations people. Our role in reconciliation extends beyond data, information and evidence to actively developing and cultivating meaningful relationships and partnerships with First Nations people, communities, organisations and businesses to ensure that their insights and perspectives can shape our products and services.

We strive for a workplace that embraces people of all cultures, especially the unique cultures, experiences, and rights of First Nations people. We aim to ensure understanding, acceptance and celebration of our shared histories. Central to our reconciliation commitment is to build our workplace cultural capability to improve the support, training and participation of First Nations people in our workforce. By doing so, we aim to create a more enriching learning experience for our workforce.

We are also committed to the implementation of the 4 Priority Reforms that underpin the 2020 National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

These Priority Reforms articulate the system changes required to close the gap in outcomes between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians. Each priority reform includes a target and an outcome, and focuses on measuring the change governments are making in the way they work with First Nations people. The Priority Reforms will strengthen and establish formal partnerships and shared decision-making, build the First Nations community-controlled sector, transform government organisations so they work better for First Nations people and improve and share access to data and information to enable First Nations communities make informed decisions.