Head injuries compared with all injuries

Injuries are the sixth leading contributor to the burden of disease for Australians (AIHW 2022a). In 2020–21, head injuries contributed to:

21% of injury ED visits

25% of injury hospitalisation

17% of injury deaths

The 0–4 age group was especially afflicted by head injuries. Figure 1 shows that around half of all injury ED presentations and hospitalisations for this group were for head injuries (48% and 52% respectively). Head injuries additionally contributed to 32% of injury deaths for the 0–4 age group (AIHW 2023b).

Figure 1: Number and proportion of head injury ED presentations, hospitalisations, and deaths compared with all injuries, by age, 2020–21

The graph has 2 tabs, number and percentage of head injuries compared with all injuries for hospitalisations, ED presentations, and deaths. The graphs present data in stage-of-life age groups from age 0 to 4 up to age 65 and over.  Head injuries in the 0–4 age group make up around half of all injury ED presentations and hospitalisations.