

The Australian Burden of Disease Study 2023 was undertaken by members of the Burden of Disease and Mortality Unit of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

The Study was undertaken by Vergil Dolar, Julianne Garcia, Wendy Ho, Paula Laws, Yolanda Lovie-Toon, Nick Mann, Matilda Pulford and Anne-Marie Waters, under the guidance of Michelle Gourley and Karen Bishop.

Special thanks to Louise Gates, Justin Harvey and Richard Juckes for reviewing the report.

Oscar Yang and David Whitelaw provided valuable advice on statistical methods for the Study.

The authors acknowledge Health and Vitals Statistics Section in the Australian Bureau of Statistics for providing provisional death registration data.

Kerry Ireland and Michael Phanprachit assisted with publication and the presentation of information.

Analyses were conducted in consultation with the Burden of Disease Expert Advisory Group whose members are Lynelle Moon (Chair), Ching Choi (University of New South Wales), Anthony Barnes (independent consultant), Tony Blakely (University of Melbourne), Annette Dobson (University of Queensland), Tim Driscoll (University of Sydney), Linda Fardell (Australian Bureau of Statistics), John Goss (University of Canberra), Samantha Howe (University of Melbourne), Laura Kirkland (Department of Health Western Australia), Maarit Laaksonen (University of New South Wales), Sharyn Lymer (NSW Health), Bernie Towler (Department of Health and Aged Care), and Mark West (Queensland Health).

Special thanks to Alize Ferrari and Damian Santomauro for providing valuable advice on methods for specific mental health conditions. The authors also acknowledge Samantha Howe and Joshua Szanyi for constructive review and advice regarding methods on non-fatal burden estimation of the post-acute consequences of COVID‑19.

We acknowledge the COVID‑19 Epidemiology and Surveillance Team in the Office of Health Protection and Response Division for provision of COVID‑19 data and advice.

We also acknowledge the Office of Health Protection and Communicable Diseases Network Australia, Department of Health and Aged Care, for provision of influenza notifications data.

The Department of Health and Aged Care funded this Study and provided valuable input during the drafting process.