Indicator 2.4 Uptake of the Practice Incentives Program Diabetes Incentive


  • Data for this indicator are not available for update—baseline results reported.
  • The Practice Incentives Program (PIP) is an Australian Government funded initiative that aimed to support general practice activities. The Diabetes Incentive initiative, which was a component of the PIP, aimed to promote earlier diagnosis and effective management of people with diabetes.
  • The Diabetes Incentive Initiative ended in its current form in April 2019, with the introduction of the new PIP Quality Improvement (QI) Incentive measures. The new PIP QI measures are:
    • proportion of patients with diabetes with a current HbA1c result
    • proportion of patients with diabetes who were immunised against influenza
    • proportion of patients with diabetes with a blood pressure result (Department of Health 2020).
  • Data for reporting against the new PIP QI measures will be available in the future.


In 2016, 56% of general practices enrolled in the PIP had registered for the PIP Diabetes Incentive. While the proportion of participating practices has increased since 2014, variation remains between states and territories (Figure 2.4).

Explore the data

2.4 Uptake of the Practice Incentives Program Diabetes Incentive by general practices enrolled in the Practice Incentive Program, May 2014–May 2016

The chart shows the overall increase in the uptake of the Practice Incentives Program Diabetes Incentive from 47% in 2014 to 56% in 2016. The pattern of increase was experienced across all states and territories. Overall proportions in 2016 ranged from 43% in South Australia to 85% in the Northern Territory.

Indicator 2.4 data specifications
  Definition Data source


Number of General Practices that are involved in the Practice Incentives Program (PIP) who participated in the PIP Diabetes program.

Productivity Commission 2017


Number of General Practices that are involved in the Practice Incentives Program.

Productivity Commission 2017


Department of Health 2020. Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement Measures User guide. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health. Viewed 17 August 2020.