Case studies shed light on tenant experiences

The NSHS has provided new evidence about the factors most closely related to social housing tenant satisfaction. The case study populations below were constructed by bringing together a number of factors that have been shown to have a significant relationship to tenant satisfaction. Satisfaction with overall services is presented for each case study, using results from the 2018 NSHS. The factors on which the case studies are based cover structural problems in the home*, working facilities in the home**, time in social housing and selected demographics.

Tenant satisfaction with overall services from their housing organisation

Infographic showing case studies for public housing, SOMIH and community housing

Structural problems listed in the NSHS are: rising damp, major cracks in walls/floors, sinking/moving foundations, sagging floors, walls/windows not square, wood rot/termite damage, major electrical problems, major plumbing problems and major roof defect.

** The 7 facilities listed in the NSHS are: cooking facilities, refrigerator, bath or shower, washing machine, kitchen sink, toilet and laundry tub.