Key factors in tenant satisfaction

Tenant satisfaction with services from their housing provider is closely coupled to the condition of their home, with satisfaction falling significantly as structural problems increase. This relationship holds after accounting for a wide range of geographic, demographic and housing-related factors. There are also significant relationships between tenant satisfaction and the number of working facilities in the home, time spent living in social housing, household composition, housing program, and geographic variables such as state or territory.

Living in CH is associated with higher tenant satisfaction. However, once we account for factors such as dwelling condition, time in social housing and household composition, CH tenants are only a little more likely to be satisfied than similar PH tenants.

For more information about the relationships between tenant satisfaction and the factors shown here, see chapter 2 of the report National Social Housing Survey 2018: Key results (PDF 16.3MB).

Factors that can account for differences in tenant satisfaction: Geography (State or territory, Remoteness), Sociodemographic (Age group and gender, Educational attainment, Whether person with disability in household, Household composition), Housing-related (Housing program, Number of structural problems, Number of working facilities, Whether overcrowded, Time in social housing, Previous dwelling type)