Home location and amenity

Satisfaction with home location is high

A high proportion of tenants said that the location of their home meets their needs (typically 90–95%) (Summary.3). This holds true across a wide range of location aspects (from shops and banking to family and friends).

Data visualisation: Do social housing tenants live near services and facilities they need?

Satisfaction with home amenity varies

From a range of home amenities, PH, SOMIH and CH tenants were most satisfied with ease of access and entry (90% or more in each program) (Summary.4). While most Indigenous households said the size of their dwelling meets their needs (79%), this is lower than for other households (87%).

Across all programs, about 6 in 10 (62%) tenants said that their home meets their needs for thermal comfort (warm in winter, cool in summer), while nearly 4 in 10 said their homes do not. This amenity satisfaction rate of 62% was the lowest proportion recorded for any of the amenities listed in the survey—the second-lowest was for energy efficiency (76%).

Data visualisation: Are housing amenities meeting the needs of social housing tenants?