Appendix B: List of measures

Table B.1 Employment and financial security measures

Policy priority

Measure wording

Alternative wording


Economic participation

Number of people supported to achieve at least 12 months employment at their work capacity in Disability Employment Services (system measure)

Number of valid 52-week full outcome claims for employment in the 12-month period for people with disability

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported. 

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Disability Employment Services | Data dictionary

Economic participation 

Proportion of people with disability in the labour force who use jobactive and successfully find employment within 12 months (system outcome)

Proportion of people with disability using jobactive who obtain at least one job placement in a 12-month period which later converted to a 26-week outcome

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Employment services | Data dictionary

Economic participation

Proportion of NDIS participants who get the support they need to do their job(a) (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants job support | Data dictionary

Economic participation

Gap in proportion of people with disability in the labour force who are unemployed, compared with proportion of people without disability (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Unemployment gap | Data dictionary

Economic participation

Proportion of NDIS participants aged 15–64 in the labour force who are in open employment at full award wage (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants in full award wage employment | Data dictionary

Transition to employment

Proportion of VET graduates with disability who are employed on completion of training (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | VET graduate employment | Data dictionary

Transition to employment

Proportion of NDIS young people (aged 15–24) in employment (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Young NDIS participant employment | Data dictionary

Transition to employment

Proportion of young people (aged 15–24) with disability in the labour force who are employed(b) (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Young people in employment | Data dictionary

Economic independence

Proportion of public sector employees with disability (system measure)

Proportion of Australian Public Service employees with disability

Available data do not currently allow reporting on the wider public sector. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Public sector employment | Data dictionary

Economic independence

Gap in median gross income for a person with disability aged 15–64 years compared with people without disability (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Median gross income gap | Data dictionary

Economic participation

Proportion of NDIS participants with an employment goal in receipt of employment income in the last 12 months(c) (system measure)


Future measure

Transition to employment

Proportion of school leavers with disability who are not in employment, education or training 12 months later(d) (population measure)


Future measure

n.a. – not applicable; VET – vocational education and training.

  1. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of NDIS participants with an employment goal in receipt of employment income in the last 12 months’.
  2. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of school leavers with disability who are not in employment, education or training 12 months later’.
  3. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of NDIS participants who get the support they need to do their job’.
  4. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of young people (aged 15–24) with disability in the labour force who are employed’.
Table B.2 Inclusive homes and communities measures

Policy priority

Measure wording

Alternative wording


Housing affordability and stress

Average wait time for social housing for people with disability (system measure)

Average time waited for newly allocated households with a member with disability in public housing or SOMIH

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported. Data on community housing or Indigenous community housing, which are also included in the concept of ‘social housing’, are not included in this alternative measure as wait list data for these programs are not available.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Average time waited for social housing | Data dictionary

Housing affordability and stress

Proportion of households with at least one person with disability in lowest 40% income whose housing costs exceed 30% of household income (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Lower income housing stress | Data dictionary

Housing accessibility

Proportion of social housing dwellings that meet Livable Housing Design silver accessibility standards (system measure)


Data for this measure are being developed.

Housing accessibility

Proportion of NDIS participants who are happy with current home(a) (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants housing satisfaction | Data dictionary

Social inclusion and participation

Proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them(b) (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants pursuing interests | Data dictionary

Social inclusion and participation

Proportion of people with disability actively involved in community, cultural, or religious groups in the past 12 months or have taken part in an activity they organised (population measure)

Proportion of people with disability who participated in community or social activities in the past 12 months

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Social participation | Data dictionary

The built and natural environment accessibility  

Proportion of people with disability who have difficulty accessing government buildings (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Access to government buildings | Data dictionary

The built and natural environment accessibility

Proportion of people with disability who had no difficulty accessing buildings or facilities in the last 12 months (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Accessing buildings and facilities | Data dictionary

Transport system accessibility

Proportion of people with disability who can use all forms of public transport with no difficulty(c) (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Public transport usability | Data dictionary

Information and communication systems accessibility

Proportional difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population (d) (population measure) 

Difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population

Measure wording has been revised to clarify its intent. This revised measure reports the difference in the ADII score between people with disability and the Australian population, rather than the proportional difference between the two populations.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Digital inclusion gap | Data dictionary

Housing accessibility

Number and proportion of homes that are built to standards according to the National Construction Code (NCC) and the Livable Housing Design, Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) Standard(e) (system measure)


Future measure

Housing accessibility

Proportion of people with disability whose home is suitable and accessible(f) (population measure)


Future measure

Social inclusion and participation

Number of community, political, social, recreational, sporting, religious and cultural groups that have active inclusion policies for people with disability(g) (system measure)


Future measure

Transport system accessibility

Compliance with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (system measure)


Future measure

Transport system accessibility

Proportion of people with disability who can access public or private transport when needed(h) (population measure)


Future measure

Information and communication systems accessibility

Proportion of Australian, state and territory, and local government websites that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 accessibility standard or above (system measure)


Future measure

Information and communication systems accessibility

Proportion of people with disability reporting the internet sites and apps they want to use are accessible(i) (population measure)


Future measure

ADII – Australian Digital Inclusion Index; n.a. – not applicable; SOMIH – state owned and managed Indigenous housing.

  1. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of people with disability whose home is suitable and accessible’.
  2. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Number of community, political, social, recreational, sporting, religious and cultural groups that have active inclusion policies for people with disability’.
  3. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of people with disability who can access public or private transport when needed’.
  4. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of people with disability reporting the internet sites and apps they want to use are accessible’.
  5. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of social housing dwellings that meet Livable Housing Design silver accessibility standards’.
  6. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of NDIS participants who are happy with current home’.
  7. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them’.
  8. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of people with disability who can use all forms of public transport with no difficulty’.
  9. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Difference in digital inclusion between people with disability and the Australian population’.
Table B.3 Safety, rights and justice measures

Policy priority

Measure wording

Alternative wording


Safety from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation

Number of complaints related to abuse and neglect per 1,000 NDIS participants (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS complaints abuse/neglect | Data dictionary

Safety from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation

Proportion of people with disability 15 years and above who have experienced violence compared to people without disability (population measure)

Proportion of adults with disability aged 18 years and over who have experienced violence since age 15, compared with adults without disability

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. The data source does not collect information from people aged 15–17, who are therefore not included in the results presented for this measure.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Experience of violence | Data dictionary

Trauma-informed policy, processes and programs

Proportion of people with disability who experienced assault and sought advice or support after the most recent incident (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Seeking support following assault | Data dictionary

Violence against women and their children

Proportion of people with disability experiencing domestic and family violence who are assisted into safe and secure housing when requested (a) (system measure)

Proportion of SHS clients with disability experiencing domestic and family violence who are provided assistance for accommodation when needed

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Access to safe and secure housing | Data dictionary

Violence against women and their children

Proportion of females with disability 15 years and above who have experienced family or domestic violence compared with women without disability (population measure)

Proportion of women with disability aged 18 years and over who have experienced family or domestic violence since age 15, compared with women without disability

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. The data source does not collect information from females aged 15–17, who are therefore not included in the results presented for this measure.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Experience of domestic violence | Data dictionary

Rights are protected and upheld

Proportion of people who accessed independent advocacy programs reporting improved choice and control to make their own decisions (system measure)

Proportion of assessed NDAP clients who reported improved choice and control to make their own decision

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Advocacy program support | Data dictionary

Rights are protected and upheld

Proportion of complaints related to disability discrimination lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission/relevant state and territory bodies that are investigated and resolved (system measure)

Proportion of complaints related to disability discrimination lodged with the AHRC that are successfully resolved by conciliation

Differences between the national Disability Discrimination Act, and the states and territory acts relating to disability discrimination mean that available data do not allow the intended measure to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Discrimination complaints resolved | Data dictionary

Rights are protected and upheld

Proportion of people with disability who have not experienced discrimination due to disability in the last 12 months (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Freedom from discrimination | Data dictionary

Rights are protected and upheld

Proportion of NDIS participants who feel able to advocate (stand up) for themselves (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants capacity to self-advocate | Data dictionary

Trauma-informed policy, processes, and programs

Number of services for people with disability that use a trauma-informed approach (system measure)


Future measure

Violence against women and their children

Average length of time a child with disability remains in the child protection system compared with children without disability (system measure)


Future measure

Violence against women and their children

Rate of children with disability aged 0–17 who were the subject of a child protection re‑substantiation in a given year (population measure)


Future measure

Violence against women and their children

Proportion of domestic and family violence services that are accessible and inclusive for women with disability(b) (system measure)


Future measure

Access to justice

Proportion of people with disability supported to communicate and participate when interacting with police or judicial officers at court (system measure)


Future measure

Access to justice

Proportion of people with disability who reported having equal access to justice compared with people without disability (population measure)


Future measure

Equitable treatment in criminal justice system

Proportion of people with disability returning to corrective services within 2 years compared with the proportion of people without disability (system measure)


Future measure

Equitable treatment in criminal justice system

Proportion of people with disability detained in prisons and forensic facilities compared with people without disability (population measure)


Future measure

n.a. – not applicable; SHS – specialist homelessness services; AHRC – Australian Human Rights Commission.

  1. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of domestic and family violence services that are accessible and inclusive for women with disability’.
  2. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of SHS clients with disability experiencing domestic and family violence who are provided assistance for accommodation when needed’.
Table B.4 Personal and community support measures

Policy priority

Measure wording

Alternative wording


Availability of support

Proportion of people with disability (aged 15 and over) who are satisfied with the quality of assistance received from formal service providers (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Quality of formal support | Data dictionary

Availability of support

Proportion of people with disability who had their needs fully met(a) (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Needs fully met | Data dictionary

People with complex, high needs are supported

Proportion of NDIS participants aged 15–64 who responded ’Yes’ to ‘Has the NDIS helped you have more choice and control over your life?’ after two years in the scheme?’ (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants choice and control | Data dictionary

Informal and carer supports

Proportion of carers who are satisfied with the range of services available to assist in caring role (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Carer satisfaction with support | Data dictionary

Informal and carer supports

Proportion of informal carers of people with disability who report that alternative care arrangements are available and affordable (population measure)

Proportion of informal carers of people with disability who report no unmet need for respite care

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Access to alternative care | Data dictionary

Availability of assistive technology

Proportion of NDIS participants who received assistive technology supports (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants use of assistive technology | Data dictionary

Availability of assistive technology

Proportion of people with disability who do not need additional aids(b) (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Additional aids | Data dictionary

Availability of support

Proportion of people who report that they can access mainstream support services when they need them(c) (population measure)


Future measure

People with complex, high needs are supported

Proportion of NDIS participants who report systems accessed through their individual support package were effective (population measure)


Future measure

Availability of assistive technology

Proportion of people with disability who can access the assistive technology they need(d) (population measure)


Future measure

n.a. – not applicable.

  1. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of people who report that they can access mainstream support services when they need them’.
  2. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of people with disability who can access the assistive technology they need’.
  3. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of people with disability who had their needs fully met’.
  4. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of people with disability who do not need additional aids’.
Table B.5 Education and learning measures

Policy priority

Measure wording

Alternative wording


Participation in early childhood education

% of children with disability enrolled in a pre‑school program the year before full‑time schooling vs representation in community (system measure)

Proportion of children enrolled in a preschool program in the year before full-time schooling (YBFS) who have disability, compared with proportion of children aged 4 to 5 years who have disability in the community

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Preschool enrolment | Data dictionary

Participation in school education

% of students with disability who complete Year 10 (or equivalent) (population measure)

Proportion of people with disability who completed Year 10 (or equivalent)

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported. The currently reported measure provides a retrospective look at adults aged 20 and over who had completed Year 10, rather than providing a forecast of completion rates for students with disability, or the proportion of current enrolments who complete Year 10 in a given year.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Year 10 completion | Data dictionary

Participation in school education

% of students with disability who complete Year 12 (or equivalent) (population measure)

Proportion of people with disability who completed Year 12 (or equivalent)

Available data do not allow the exact measure listed by the Strategy to be tracked. Currently an alternative measure is reported. The currently reported measure provides a retrospective look at adults aged 20 and over who had completed Year 12, rather than providing a forecast of completion rates for students with disability, or the proportion of current enrolments who complete Year 12 in a given year.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Year 12 completion | Data dictionary

Participation in tertiary education

Proportion of VET students with disability (aged 15–64) (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | VET participation | Data dictionary

Participation in tertiary education

Proportion of undergraduate higher education students with disability (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Undergraduate participation | Data dictionary

Participation in tertiary education

Qualification completion rate for VET students aged 15–64 with disability, compared with students without disability (Population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | VET completion | Data dictionary

Participation in tertiary education

Proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Higher education completion | Data dictionary

Participation in early childhood education

Proportion of children with disability who meet school readiness indicators in first year of school (population measure).


Future measure

Participation in school education

Proportion of students with disability attending school 90% or more of the time (system measure).


Future measure

Participation in school education

Proportion of students with disability in Year 9 achieving above the ’needs additional support’ proficiency level for reading (system measure).


Future measure

Participation in informal education

Proportion of people with disability who reported satisfaction with their access to Active Communication Education (ACE) (system measure).


Future measure

Participation in informal education

Proportion of people with disability who report having participated in an informal learning activity in the last 12 months (population measure).


Future measure

n.a. – not applicable; VET – vocational education and training.

Table B.6 Health and wellbeing measures

Policy priority

Measure wording

Alternative wording


Health and wellbeing

Proportion of people with disability who reported unmet need for hospital admission in the last 12 months(a) (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Unmet hospitalisation need | Data dictionary

Health and wellbeing

Proportion of people with disability who reported excellent, very good or good health compared with people without disability (population measure) 


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Self-reported health | Data dictionary

Prevention and early intervention

Number of people with disability with GP-type emergency department presentations (system measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Avoidable emergency presentations | Data dictionary

Prevention and early intervention

Proportion of people with disability with difficulty accessing medical facilities (GP, dentist, hospital)(b) (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Medical facility accessibility | Data dictionary

Mental health

Proportion of adults with disability with high or very high levels of psychological distress (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | High psychological distress | Data dictionary

Mental health

Proportions of NDIS participants who report feeling satisfied about their life in general now and in the future (population measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | NDIS participants life satisfaction | Data dictionary

Health and wellbeing

Number of potentially avoidable deaths in hospital for people with disability compared with people without disability(c) (system measure)


Future measure

Health and wellbeing

Proportion of people with disability who are satisfied with the quality of care provided by the allied and community health sector (system measure)


Future measure

Prevention and early intervention

Proportion of people with disability who accessed prevention and early intervention services in the last 12 months without difficulty, compared with people without disability(d) (population measure)


Future measure

Mental health

Rates of restraint of people with disability in acute mental health hospital services (system measure)


Future measure

Mental health

Number of involuntary hospital admissions (system measure)


Future measure

Emergency response

Proportion and number of disaster management services that have disability-inclusive plans in place (system measure)


Future measure

Emergency response

Proportion of people with disability reporting satisfaction in the accessibility of emergency, disaster preparedness and response information and services (population measure)


Future measure

GP – general practitioner; n.a. – not applicable.

  1. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Number of potentially avoidable deaths in hospital for people with disability compared with people without disability’.
  2. This measure will be replaced in the future by ‘Proportion of people with disability who accessed prevention and early intervention services in the last 12 months without difficulty, compared with people without disability’.
  3. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of people with disability who reported unmet need for hospital admission in the last 
     12 months’.
  4. In the future, this measure will replace ‘Proportion of people with disability with difficulty accessing medical facilities (GP, dentist, hospital)’.
Table B.7 Community attitudes measures

Policy priority

Measure wording

Alternative wording


Employer attitudes to employing people with disability

Proportion of employers who value the contribution and benefits of employing people with disability (community attitude measure)

Proportion of employers who value the contribution and benefits of employing people with disability

Measure wording has been revised to clarify its intent. The revised measure reports the average rate of positive attitudes to employing people with disability, recognising that for each person the attitude is a continuum.

See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Employer attitudes | Data dictionary

Key sector attitudes to people with disability 

Key professionals are disability confident and respond positively to people with disability:

  • Proportion of educators 
  • Proportion of health professionals 
  • Proportion of personal and community support workers 
  • Proportion of justice/legal sector workers

(community attitude measure)

Educators are disability confident and respond positively to people with disability

Health workers are disability confident and respond positively to people with disability

Personal and community support workers are disability confident and respond positively to people with disability

Justice and legal workers are disability confident and respond positively to people with disability

For reporting purposes, this measure was split into 4, one for each key sector.

Measure wording has been revised to clarify its intent. The revised measure reports the average rate of confidence and positive attitudes in interacting with people with disability, recognising that for each person the attitude is a continuum.


People with disability in leadership roles

Proportion of people with disability who report feeling represented in leadership roles (community attitude measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Feel represented in leadership | Data dictionary

Value and respect for people with disability

Proportion of people with disability who report feeling valued and respected in their community (community attitude measure)


See Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework | Feel valued and respected | Data dictionary

n.a. – not applicable.

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