Detailed flows

This visualisation tab shows diagrams on health spending flows in current prices from detailed sources of funds into detailed areas of expenditure.

Visualisation 5: Detailed flows

Detailed flows’ tab shows diagrams on health spending flows in current prices from detailed sources of funds such as Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Health and other, Premium rebates, state and territory governments (NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT and NT), Individuals, Health insurance funds and Other non-government into areas of expenditure: Public hospital services, Private hospitals, Unreferred medical services, Dental services, Other health practitioners, Community health and other, Public health, Benefit-paid pharmaceuticals, All other medications, Referred medical services, Patient transport services, Aids and appliances, Administration, Research and Capital expenditure. The diagrams cover the period from 1996–97 to 2021–22.